2nd day of the NWSK End of Season meet. Keen to get another paddle in, the Orme was an obvious choice being on the route home from North Wales.
Llandudno East Beach |
We left the hostel in sunshine and had a quick rendezvous at the A5/A55 services to finalise the meeting point. We were worried about a car rally that was finishing in Llandudno, but when we turned up the "paddling pool" launch spot on the East Llandudno beach, there was plenty of parking.
Llandudno promenade |
By the time we launched the skies had clouded over and a slight breeze chilled the air. We made our way along the beach and were watched by the crowds as we paddled under the pier.
Although the guillemots and razorbills that make this paddle special in the early summer had long gone, there was still plenty of bird life around with many Cormorants belly-flopping into the water when we approached.
We passed another group going in the other direction, and they told us of playful seals under the lighthouse, and it was not long before we picked up company.
We were rock-hopping and investigating the small caves as we made our way around under the spectacular cliffs.
Rocky landing for lunch |
Lunch was taken on a rocky "beach" and we retraced our route back around the headland with an increasing wind reminding us that winter is not far away.
13km paddled.