Setting out from Porth Dafarch the autumn sun was warm and welcome. Three groups of kayakers had already departed from the bay while we were getting ready and throughout the day we bumped into them and other groups making use of the glorious sunshine and calm conditions. It was nice to be on the sea again, after a few weeks of just paddling on the canal.
Will Herman rock hopping |
We paddled out along the coast, doing a bit of rock hopping and exploring inlets and made our way around to Penrhyn Mawr. The NE flow was only just starting and there wasn't much turbulence or waves to play on so we carried on around the coast and had a lunch stop on a rocky/pebble beach in "Abraham's Bosom".
Mary Erasmus @ Penrhyn Mawr |
After a pleasant lunch in the sun we paddled back round to Penrhyn Mawr where the flow had increased sufficiently to kick up some waves and fast current to play about in. A couple of the groups we had met earlier were also playing in the race, though conditions were fairly friendly due to the lack of any significant swell and the moderate tide.
Aled Williams |
We bumped into Aled Williams in his new boat - an 18ft racing style kayak called the "Pace 18" that he has just put into production with Tiderace. It looks a fast machine, so hopefully they'll be even more racing kayaks at the sea races next year. We played on the tide race for at least an hour, then headed back to Porth Dafarch to land just after 4pm. More photos on
Heading Home |
Packing Up |
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